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Women4Change is interested in expanding their organization through advertising and marketing. Increasing participation in events held by Women4Change as well as members in general would allow the organization to run more effectively and have a greater impact on civic engagement. 


The report recommends tips that Women4Change can use to better advertise on IUPUI’s campus specifically. The recommendations were developed through collecting statistical information from a local study and performing in-depth research on how to use best marketing practices to benefit the Women4Change organization. Throughout the project, a few key pieces of data were found: 


Key Findings Through Research: 

  • 43% of survey respondents say Twitter is among their most used social media platforms

  • 50% of people surveyed had not ever heard of the organization Women4Change   

  • According to the survey, items such as t-shirts, water bottles, and stickers were the top items that students would like to receive 

  • Almost all of survey respondents claimed they would more than likely recommend a student organization to a friend    


Through our research, the team found that many experts feel as though free items appeal strongly to college aged students. It was also agreed upon by various marketing professionals that in-person advertising can be incredibly beneficial for student organizations. We also found that Twitter can act as a promising platform to distribute organization information regarding events that Women4Change may host. Based on these findings, the following list of recommendations were developed:


Brief Overview of Recommendations: 

  • Design free items to give away when holding tabling events such as t-shirts, water bottles, and stickers 

  • Develop in-person advertisement through testimonials and encouraging others to join by creating incentives for student referrals  

  • Establish a strong social media presence, especially through Twitter  

© 2020, Sophie Carrison, Annemarie Stacey, Lauren Shaffner, Hannah Bowles 

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