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As summarized in the report, the team sought to understand best marketing practice and how these can be implemented to increase attendance at the events hosted by the IUPUI Women4Change organization. We formed a list of recommendations that are backed by over 100 hours of research on best marketing practices for student organizations. 


The 3 recommendations developed for the report are as follows:


  • Design free items to give away while tabling 

  • Develop in-person advertisement and partner this with incentivized student referrals 

  • Establish a stronger Twitter presence


These strategies have proved successful according to marketing professionals, as well as studies conducted at the university level and among college students. If Women4Change uses these best practices for marketing, you could see improvement in the attendance and participation levels at their events and will expand their reach on campus further than their current organization members.


© 2020, Sophie Carrison, Annemarie Stacey, Lauren Shaffner, Hannah Bowles 

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