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To: Deborah Oesch-Minor

From: Sophie Carrison

Date: February 7, 2020

Subject: Reflection on Writing Project 1 and the Semester So Far



Through this class, you and the Kitty Locker textbook have pinpointed the strategies that make a successful piece of business writing. Of these strategies are utilizing proper formatting techniques, bold and detailed headings, and bulleted lists, as well as the benefits of peer review.


According to the Kitty Locker textbook, "A well-designed document is easier to read and builds goodwill" (Locker, 2014, p. 16). I have learned that part of designing a document well means using short paragraphs, descriptive, bold headings, and lists so that it is more visually pleasing for the reader. In the various correspondences, my use of such techniques was improved through peer review.


Use of Headings in the Client Correspondences

Kitty Locker states, “Use headings to group related ideas” (Locker, 2014, p. 16). The use of a descriptive heading is important as it will clearly and concisely group the ideas presented in the following paragraph. My understanding of this technique was lacking, until after discussing with you and my peers.


Persuasive Correspondence: my peer, Lily, presented the idea of maintaining but unbolding my topic sentences and adding descriptive headings before those paragraphs.

  • Example Before Review: As our client, we will do all the work for you.

  • Example After Review: This Report Will Be Entirely Put Together by the Team, for You

While the topic sentence could make a good heading, it does not fully represent the detailed, yet concise summary that a heading should be, and is now after being peer reviewed. 


Goodwill Correspondence: my peer, Shelby, explained how my use of headings were “too vague” and should include more detail to direct the reader.

  • Example Before Review: The Competition Process

  • Example After Review: The competition process included 24 proposals and a blind vote to elect 4 finalists

The original headings were far too short and did not fully explain the contents of the paragraph. After being reviewed, the headings explain clearly what the client will read before they actually read it.


Use of Bulleted Lists in Client Correspondences

In the textbook it says, “Use lists and indented sections to emphasize subpoints and examples” (Locker, 2014, p. 16). Although a list is used to make the readability of the writing simpler, the list should be detailed enough so that the reader is not left with questions. In my correspondences, I revised my use of bulleted lists after the workshop with my peers in class.


Deborah Oesch-Minor, Page 2

February 7, 2020



Persuasive and Goodwill Correspondence: both my peer, Lily, and you provided feedback about the lack of descriptive bullet points in my bulleted lists in those two correspondences.

  • Example Before Review: Build an individualized website

  • Example After Review: Build an individualized website to compile the recommendation report.

Before revising, the bullet point was too general and did not explain what the website would include. After, it is detailed enough to allow the client to understand what they will be receiving in the project.


The Benefits of Peer Review Workshops

One of the most influential parts of this class so far has been the in-class peer review workshops. Through these workshops, I have been able to collaborate and build relationships with my peers. If we are going to work together as a team for 10 weeks, it is nice to be able to start forming those bonds so that communication as a team will feel more natural when the time comes.


Peer review also provides the opportunity to view examples of each correspondence form, as well as sample pitch visuals. I have not felt totally lost in this class thanks to the workshops that guide me through the process. As I do not have all the answers and the perfect pieces of business writing, it is beneficial to be able to see different ideas in other students’ works so that I can improve my own.


Workshops for peer review have also improved my critiquing skills and has allowed others to critique my work. These class times allow my peers and I to bounce ideas off of each other while helping each other succeed. It is a source of positive encouragement and constructive criticism, which has sustained my positive mindset even with the heavy workload.


How Canvas Workshops Have Helped Shape My Understanding

Through the workshops on canvas, the class looked at various real world reports and picked them apart. Doing so helped me see what things I should try to do and what things I should avoid when creating my own report. In the first couple Libbey Glass reports, they struggled to use good aesthetics and short paragraphs. They did, however, successfully use color and bold lettering for their descriptive headings. This activity made me realize just how important these skills are in the professional world and how I need to carry over the ideas put forth in the textbook to my own recommendation report. Keeping the client's interest and focus is crucial, so I will be using color, bold letters and short paragraphs to do so. 


My Overall Experience and Takeaway in W231 Thus Far

Before this class, I had a very scientific way of writing. I am accustomed to typing up laboratory reports, which never use personal pronouns and have accepted structures and formats, much different from a piece of professional writing. After reading the textbook and listening to your tips, I feel like I am expanding my mindset to include professional and scientific strategies. I feel more comfortable when contacting a higher up and know that I will carry these skills with me into my eventual workplace.

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