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bad news correspondence

February 12, 2020



Dr. Kathleen Marrs

Faculty Advisor

Women4Change: IUPUI Chapter

420 University Blvd,

Indianapolis, IN 46202



Dear Dr. Kathleen Marrs:


My proposal to boost event advertisement for the IUPUI chapter of Women4Change was not chosen to move forward as one of the finalists. As a result, we will not be proceeding for the recommendation report project.


The process by which final clients were chosen was incredibly competitive. There were about 24 different local businesses and organizations represented by the students. The class voted for 4 finalists through a blind voting ballot where each student was given 3 votes. The choice was made based upon the 90 second pitch each student presented. Of those candidates, I was not one of the 4 finalists.


With that being said, there are a few alternatives that I may offer to you.


  • I am interested in the organization myself and would like to become a more active member. Having said that, I would love to volunteer in any upcoming event that Women4Change might need assistance with.

  • Although we were not chosen to move forward, I will provide my professor's contact information if you wish to be considered as a candidate for the course in a following semester. Her email is


I am grateful that you gave me the opportunity to work with you. I hope to work with Women4Change more in the future, whether that be as a member or a more active position, I look forward to what the organization will achieve in the future!


Thank you and best regards,

Sophie Carrison

911 W North St

Indianapolis, IN 46202

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