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Subject: A Promotional Opportunity for The IUPUI Women4Change Chapter


Hello Dr. Marrs:


A team of professional writing students at IUPUI want to partner with you to explore an idea your organization has. Through this project, we will write a recommendation report for you with ideas that we have spent hours developing, researching, and condensing into a web-based report.


This Project Includes a Competition Between Student Represented Institutions.

The main goal of this project is to provide help and services to a local business or organization. We are reaching out to many local institutions in an effort to benefit you in any way we are able. Having said that, this is a competition between me and my peers. I will put together a short pitch as to why Women4Change should be a client. There is a 1 in 5 chance that our idea is chosen. Your organization is one that I would personally like to pursue and work closely with, so that together we can explore an idea you might have to promote the IUPUI chapter of Women4Change.


The Team Will Put in Many Hours Compiling Information for the Report

Your idea will be the center of our focus. The team of students have the opportunity to recommend ideas that might bring your concept to life. We will work to create a recommendation report that will be returned to your organization with the aim of success and accomplishment. With that being said, the team will:


  • Spend 100+ hours compiling research for the report

  • Conduct a local study based upon your target audience

  • Analyze data recorded from the study, as well as from other studies we have researched

  • Shape recommendations

  • Review of literature

  • Build an individualized website to compile the recommendation report


This Report Will Be Entirely Put Together by the Team, for You

As our client, we will compile the entire recommendation report for you. If elected as a finalist, we ask that we meet to discuss the plans for the project. From then on, we will work to obtain data, research and cultivate the report that will be delivered to you near the end of April. As a class, we decide on the final clients February 11th, so I will follow up with you on whether or not our ideas were chosen by February 12th. 


If you are interested, I will follow up with you on January 29th to figure out a topic to pitch to the class.


Following is a link to an example report from a previous semester, showing what the team is capable of putting together:


Thank you,

Sophie Carrison

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