Welcome to my trip to London ePortfolio!
In this ePortfolio you can read about my study abroad trip to London through my reflection journal posts and view the interactive map I created to highlight all the major locations I visited while on my trip. I also included the group cultural project my team and I worked on while in London.
I am grateful to have had the opportunity to travel to London and learned so much about the culture and their healthcare system. As I prepare to enter into the healthcare field as a physical therapist, I feel it is valuable knowledge to understand the workings of the United States' healthcare system as compared to other high-income countries, such as England and their National Healthcare System (NHS) that I studied during this course.
I hope you enjoy exploring my ePortfolio and can learn something new!

Hi, thanks for dropping by
Let's start by introducing ourselves: I'm Sophie and I am currently finishing up my biology degree at IUPUI. I am also getting a minor in health psychology and will be attending the Indiana University Doctor of Physical Therapy (IU DPT) program after I graduate. Outside of school, I love reading horror/thriller books and I just started learning how to crochet. I also play soccer when I can and I am bummed that I didn't get see a game while in London!
As an aspiring physical therapist (PT), I feel as though it is incredibly important for me to understand the healthcare system that I will eventually be working in. I think that being able to compare our healthcare system to other countries', such as the NHS in the UK, is an important skill; it will help foster a deeper understanding of what the United States might do well and where we fall short.
Aside from my interest in the healthcare aspect of this trip, I was so excited to leave the country for the first time. London has such a deep history and it was a great first international destination for me. This trip was an immense learning experience and an incredible way for me cap off my final semester of undergrad.