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Hand on Laptop


Artifacts can come in many different shapes and sizes. Your artifacts may be in the following formats:

  • Pictures/Images

  • Videos

  • Text

  • Quotes

  • And many others!

Recording a Class


Depending on the scope of your ePortfolio, you may consider adding some project-based artifacts to showcase your experiences. These may be school projects, work projects, or something for your extracurriculars. The following are examples of project-based artifacts:

  • Posters

  • Presentations (slides or video recording)

  • Research

Grammer Editing


You may also consider adding some writing pieces to your ePortfolio. This can come in many different forms, such as:

  • Reflective Writing

  • Research Papers

  • Writing Course Assignments

  • Blogs

A Young Woman Writing


By the time you graduate, you will have completed hundreds of assignments! Consider adding some assignment-based artifacts to show how you have grown throughout your college journey. For example, you might include progression documents of your writing or presentation skills to show have you have improved.

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